Tuesday, 6 January 2015

C_srm_72 SAP Certified Application Associate Certification

C_SRM_72, SAP Certified Application Associate - Supplier Relationship Management 7.2 is created to bombard you with immense knowledge of the SAP SRP product, the exam is that of certification hence is necessary to take to get certified, applicants who are at the associate level can take this exam, the timings for this exam is a hundred and eighty minutes to solve eighty difficult level questions, you need to obtain the score of sixty to pass, professionals that can take the exam are, Application Consultant, Owner / Team Lead / Power User, Change Manager, Help Desk or COE Support and Program or Project Manager along with others that have required interest and the necessary knowledge.

C_SRM_72, SAP Certified Application Associate - Supplier Relationship Management 7.2 exam syllabus given to the applicants are have been listed here as to what the vendor has designed, these includes Self Service Procurement Processes in which the applicants will study regarding SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) Overview, Describing the SRM Business Scenarios, Describing the SAP Procurement Portfolio, Describing SRM Architecture, Evaluating the SRM Deployment Scenarios, SAP SRM Operational Procurement, Explaining the Organization Plan in SRM, Describing Master Data in SRM, Using Catalogs in SRM, Creating Shopping Carts for Indirect Procurement, Approving and Reviewing Shopping Carts, Creating Confirmations, Creating Invoices, Creating Shopping Carts for Direct Procurement, Processing Purchase Orders, Processing Requirements in the Sourcing Cockpit, Ordering Services in SRM, Strategic Sourcing and Operational Contract Management, Creating an RFx and Submitting Bids in SRM, Creating Auctions and Submitting Bids in SRM, Creating Central Contracts, Supplier Self-Services and Collaborating with Suppliers using Supplier Self-Services.

Other vital topics in this C_SRM_72, SAP Certified Application Associate - Supplier Relationship Management 7.2 exam are, Supplier Self Services and Supplier Registration, Operational sourcing, Plan Driven and Service Procurement Processes, Contract Management, Procurement Documents in SRM and ERP, Basic NetWeaver Portal administration and integration, Portal UI and Web Dynpro UI configuration; field control, Accounting and ERP integration, Monitoring of documents, processes and system communication; BADI concept, Bidding, Auctioning and E-Sourcing Processes, Catalog Management, Workflow implementation and features, Master data Organization structure and user management and customizing data synchronization.

C_SRM_72, SAP Certified Application Associate - Supplier Relationship Management 7.2 exam learning can be done by DSRM71 – Delta SRM 7.0 Enhancement, DSRM72 – Delta SRM7.02, OSR701 – OKP SAP EHP1 for SAP SRM 7.0, OSR702 – OKP SAP EhP2 for SAP SRM 7.0, OSR703 – OKP SAP EHP 3 for SAP SRM 7.0, SAPSRM – SAP SRM Overview, SRM210 – SRM Server Configuration and SRM270 – SAP Procurement Catalog.

To study topics, get all the materials you need and put your concentration on the exam syllabus for few hours, this will help you clear your mind and also help you in understanding the things you are learning and what the importance does it holds. Only those professionals get to the need of success who learn with great efforts because it is only your hard work that will make you successful in the exam and in the practical world where you will be with your SAP certification that will help you in doing the task correctly.

CertifySchool is a leading name in comprehensive range of Q & A based IT certification study material. We provide you with accurate and complete study guide to prepare your C_SRM_72 Certification Test and C_TERP10_66 Certification Exam.

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