Tuesday, 19 August 2014

9l0 - 837: Logic Pro 9 Level One End User Exam

Logic Pro 9 Level One End User Exam is provided for the individuals that are interested in learning about the logic pro 9 which is by Apple, this exam is the first exam of the series after which the level of the exam advances and hence the candidates can start their certification with the help of this exam.

9L0-837: Logic Pro 9 Level One End User Exam first lesson is Make Music with Logic Now after completion of which the candidates are required to know about Browse, preview, and use loops, Edit regions and create an arrangement, Navigate and zoom in the Arrange area, effect and software instrument plug-ins and Mix down and export to MP3. The second lesson is recording audio which consists of digital audio settings, single and multi-track audio, Record additional takes, record in Cycle mode, Punch record both on the fly and automatically, Adjust count-in, metronome, and other settings. Third lesson is editing audio which consists of a composite take from multiple takes, Left-click and Command-click tools, audio regions, individual notes inside an audio region using the Flex tool, audio destructively in the Sample Editor and audio regions in the Arrange area.

9L0-837: Logic Pro 9 Level One End User Exam lesson four is recording MIDI in which the candidates have to know about Record MIDI performances, Quantize MIDI recordings, a MIDI recording with an existing MIDI region, MIDI in take folders, Punch record a MIDI recording, performance as a recording, MIDI using Step Input mode and incoming MIDI events. Lesson five is programming and editing with MIDI which consist of MIDI Piano Roll and Score editors, Quantize and mute individual notes, note velocity and pitch using a MIDI keyboard, edit MIDI continuous controller automation using Hyper, Draw and the Hyper Editor and Clean up MIDI regions in the Event List. The sixth lesson is programming drums which consist of Program a drum pattern in Ultra beat, Add rhythmic accents, Create drum rolls and an audio drum loop to a sampler instrument.

9L0-837: Logic Pro 9 Level One End User Exam seventh lesson is manipulating tempo and time stretching which consists of a project tempo to an audio file’s tempo, Use the Loop Browser, Create Apple Loops, an audio region follow the project tempo, tempo changes and tempo curves, Time-stretch an audio region to match the project tempo, Vary speed effects, Tape or Turntable speed-up and slowdown effects and the Flex tool to stretch single notes on the waveform. Lesson number eight is arranging and preparing for the mix with the order of regions in Shuffle mode, Pack regions into folders, cut and insert sections into a project, Divide a region into multiple slices and Clean up noisy recordings using Logic and Soundtrack Pro.

9L0-837: Logic Pro 9 Level One End User Exam lesson nine is mixing which include Navigate the Mixer and use effect plug-ins, Adjust volume levels and use groups, Adjust pan positions, Filter frequencies with the Channel EQ plug-in, Process with aux sends and aux channel strips and depth with delay and reverberation plug-ins. Preparation should be done before taking the exam.

Our suggested and selected Questions and Authentic Answers to all major Exams meets the exact exam questions and answers regarding 9L0-837 Certification Exam and 9L0-827 Study Material.

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